Certification of the logistics hall according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality management
After Ziegler Global Logistics GmbH was successfully certified in the field of quality management at the beginning of the year, we are now proud to announce: Ziegler Logistik GmbH is also certified according to ISO 9001! As the second company of the Ziegler Group, Ziegler Logistik GmbH thus receives the certificate for the successful operation of a QM system according to the internationally recognized standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. The certification applies to the location of the logistics hall in Wiesau and covers the entire area of "warehouse logistics". The quality management system ensures that customer satisfaction is the focus of the organization's actions. Our own claim of continuous improvement is just as self-evident as the avoidance of errors through the constant optimization of procedures and processes. Our customers can therefore be sure that their goods are in good hands with us!