Echte Kerle campaign
We are looking for "real guys Apply now as a model for our new advertising campaign! We are looking for "real guys" as advertising faces for our soon to be released cinema, print and online advertising. We will then select 3 favorites from the applications. These will each receive an iPhone 8 and take part in a professional photo shoot. Who are we looking for? Simple answer: anyone who thinks they have what it takes to be a "real guy". It doesn't matter if you are 1,80m or 1,60m, if you are well trained or have a belly, if you have a full head of hair or a bald head, if you have a beard or not. You should only have charisma and charisma! Just send us until 28.10.18 a short application by mail to marketing@ziegler.global or to our Facebook fan page inbox. Ideally with 2-3 pictures (head, upper body, full body). Among all applications we will raffle 100 stylish wooden powerbanks at the end of the campaign. So everyone has the chance to win something. So it's definitely worth taking part. You can find more detailed conditions of participation under this link: www.katalog.ziegler.global/Echte-Kerle-Teilnahmebedingungen Feel free to share this post if you know other "real guys" who should definitely apply here. Or just tag them in the comments.